Mail a check to PO Box 116, Milford, IN 46542. In the memo line, write "building fund" or "general fund" to designate your funds.
Text MFB to 44834 for our general fund.
Text FOODBANK to 44834 for our capital campaign.
Follow the text prompt to complete your donation.
Include Milford Food Bank in your estate plans. This will ensure that your support lives on and impacts many generations to come through the food bank. Consider a bequest, beneficiary designation, a legacy fund, an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution, appreciated stock and securities, or another planned gift. Your generosity will continue to support Milford Food Bank many years beyond your lifetime, making you a part of a special family of donors who believe in the power of Jesus's love and sharing that with everyone we encounter.
If you or your spouse works for a company that offers a matching gift program, you can ask your company to match that donation – doubling and sometimes tripling your impact to Milford Food Bank. Businesses like Zimmer Biomet, Johnson & Johnson/Depuy, Nipsco, Lincoln Financial Group, Lowe’s, Walmart, Target, Starbucks, McDonald’s, Verizon, Comcast and Thrivent participate in matching gifts.
After you have donated to Milford Food Bank, contact your Human Resource department at your company to get a matching gift form or a link to submit your matching gift request online.